Syllabus: The Treatment of the Native Americans in the United States
Fridays, 1pm–3pm PST
Meeting Dates: October 25; November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
CSUCI OLLI, Online-Zoom Platform
Instructor: Jason Hensley, PhD, DMin;
Course Description:
The historical narrative of the treatment of Native Americans in the United States has recently been changing. As time passes, more and more information has revealed the complex relationships between the English colonies and the tribes, the United States government and the natives, and state governments and the tribal leaders. This series will consider the history of these relationships, looking at tribes from all over the continental United States. It will examine wars, schools, legislation, and reservations in order to develop a robust picture of the rights and treatment of Native Americans by the colonists and citizens of the United States from the time of Jamestown until today.
Topic Outline/Schedule:
Week 1, October 25: Overview
Week 2, November 1: The Origin of the Natives and the First Colony
Week 3, November 8: Jamestown and New England
Week 4, November 15: The California Missions
Week 5, November 22: The 1800s
Week 6, November 29: Indian Residential Schools
Week 1: Overview
Week 2: The Origin of the Natives and the First Colony
Week 3: Jamestown and New England
Week 4: The California Missions
Week 5: The 1800s
Week 6 - Indian Residential Schools