Syllabus: The Religion of the Founders

Mondays, 1pm–3pm PDT

Meeting Dates: December 2, 9

CLU FAB Program, On site

Instructor: Jason Hensley, PhD, DMin;

Course Description:

Many of the founders of the United States believed in a God. But, their beliefs were unconventional––they didn't necessarily belong to a religious community or follow the ideas of traditional theology. Why? What did these people think about God and religion? Why did their beliefs go against the grain? And, do these ideas even matter today? This course will examine the religious views of both male and female influencers of the United States as well as their views toward the blending of politics and religion.

Topic Outline/Schedule:

Week 1, June 6: George and Martha Washington

Week 2, June 13: John and Abigail Adams

Week 3, December 2: Jefferson and Franklin

Week 4, December 9: Hamilton and Payne