Syllabus: The Modern History of Jerusalem

Mondays, 1pm–3pm PST

Meeting Dates: March 18, 25; April 8, 15

CSUSM OLLI, Online-Zoom Platform

Instructor: Jason Hensley, PhD, DMin;

Course Description:

Jerusalem is a city of layers. It has been affected by numerous cultures and empires, built up for thousands of years, and sought after by multiple monotheistic religions. It has a depth of history that is almost unparalleled. And yet, outside of its ancient history, its modern history is also complex. In the last 150 years, it has been ruled by many groups including the Ottomans, the British, the League of Nations, Jordan, and the State of Israel. Why? Why have so many groups made their mark on Jerusalem, even in recent history? This course will begin with World War I and trace the modern history of Jerusalem––attempting to understand the modern political forces that have shaped and continue to shape the city today.

Topic Outline/Schedule:

Week 1, March 18: Jerusalem’s Jews

Week 2, March 25: Jerusalem’s Christians and Palestinians

Week 3, April 8: Zionism and the British Mandate

Week 4, April 15: The Holocaust, 1948, and 1967