Syllabus: The Modern History of Palestine

Thursdays, 3:30pm–5pm PST

Meeting Dates: February 6, 13, 20, 27

CSUMB (OLLI Program), Online-Zoom Platform

Instructor: Jason Hensley, PhD, DMin;

Course Description:

The modern history of Israel and Palestine is incredibly complex, and oftentimes, individuals approach this topic by solely considering one perspective. This course will look at the history of the last few decades, unearthing the complexities, and examining both Palestinian and Israeli perspectives. It will discuss some of the subtle shifts in Israeli politics and the rise of Hamas in Gaza. Only by understanding both sides can one have a truly informed opinion. By grasping this information, not only can one have a more informed opinion, but they can have more balanced discussions, and thus help shape the way that others understand this complex piece of land.

Topic Outline/Schedule:

Week 1, February 6: The Israeli Settlements

Week 2, February 13: Meir Kahane and the Gaza Withdrawal

Week 3, October 20: Arab Israelis

Week 4, October 21: Life in Gaza and the West Bank