Syllabus: The Israeli Settlers

Mondays, 1pm–3pm PST

Meeting Dates: September 30; October 7, 14, 21

Cal Lutheran Fifty and Better (FAB Program), Online-Zoom Platform

Instructor: Jason Hensley, PhD, DMin;

Course Description:

After October 7th, the Israeli settlers have been frequently in the news. From being sanctioned by the US government, to being accused of stealing land, to involvement in violence (or being attacked), the settlers are a unique community within the West Bank (and previously Gaza). Through the lens of colonialism, the settlers are often seen as the enemies and perpetrators. Through the lens of Zionism and occasionally biblicism, the settlers can be perceived as heroes. But who are they? What is it that motivates them to live where they live? Why are so many people frustrated with them? This course will explore the Israeli settlers and attempt to dive deeper into their history, ethos, and opposition.

Topic Outline/Schedule:

Week 1, September 30: The Settlements

Week 2, October 7: Settler Ideology

Week 3, October 14: The Settlers and Christianity

Week 4, October 21: Settlers and the United States