Syllabus: The Composition of the Hebrew Bible
Mondays, 4pm–5:15pm PST
Lecture Dates: September 9, 16, 23, 30; October 7, 14
Calabasas Senior Center
Instructor: Jason Hensley, PhD, DMin;
Course Description:
The Bible is the best-selling book in history and has had a profound effect on both eastern and western civilization. But, where did it come from? How were the Jewish Scriptures compiled and what about the books that were left out? What is the Apocrypha and how does it relate to the Bible? Why do some faiths see the apocryphal books as part of the Bible while others don’t? What about the Septuagint? How does it relate to the composition of the Bible today? Further, how did the Christian Scriptures get added to the Jewish Scriptures, and where do the “lost” books of the Bible fit in? Many simply take the current composition of the Bible for granted. This course will examine how all of the disparate books were brought together and why some were left out.
Topic Outline/Schedule:
Week 1, September 9: What is the Hebrew Bible?
Week 2, September 16: The Traditional View - Dictation
Week 3, September 23: Other Approaches to Inspiration
Week 4, September 30: The Enlightenment and the Bible
Week 5, October 7: The Documentary Hypothesis
Week 6, October 14: Challenges to the Documentary Hypothesis
Week 1: What is the Hebrew Bible?
Week 2: The Traditional View - Dictation
Week 3: Other Approaches to Inspiration
Week 4 - The Enlightenment and the Bible
Week 5 - The Documentary Hypothesis