Syllabus: The Spread of Western Genocidal Colonialism
Thursdays, 1pm–3pm PST
Meeting Dates: January 23, 30; February 6, 13, 20, 27
CSUCI OLLI, Online-Zoom Platform
Instructor: Jason Hensley, PhD, DMin;
Course Description:
For decades, the spread of western culture throughout the world was hailed as enlightenment. It was perceived as refinement being brought to those who lived in ignorance. As the decades passed, however, this narrative began to be questioned. In more modern research, scholars noted that while western culture and technology spread, this spread was also accompanied by the destruction of other cultures, and ultimately, sometimes with genocide. This course will examine the connection between the spread of western culture and genocide. Tragically, there are more genocides connected to this theme than can be explored in one course, and therefore this course is somewhat of a brief survey. Nevertheless, this course will be able to ask the following questions: why did colonialism link to genocide? How does that way of thinking still affect thought patterns today? And what can be done to stop it?
Topic Outline/Schedule:
Week 1, January 23: Overview
Week 2, January 30: Early Americas
Week 3, February 6: American Slavery
Week 4, February 13: Early Modern Times
Week 5, February 20: Holocaust
Week 6, February 27: Modern Times
Week 1: Overview
Week 2: Early Americas
Week 3: American Slavery
Week 4a: The Herero and Nama Genocide
Week 4b: The Armenian Genocide
Week 5: The Holocaust
Week 6: Modern Times