Syllabus: Biblical Archaeology
Mondays, 4pm–5:15pm PST
Lecture Dates: October 28; November 4, 18, 25; December 2, 9
Calabasas Senior Center
Instructor: Jason Hensley, PhD, DMin;
Course Description:
The Bible discusses many supernatural events that are largely unverifiable through scientific and historical means. Nevertheless, there are also many events that can be unearthed archaeologically and studied historically, adding to the depth of the biblical record and widening its cultural meaning. This series will look at a number of these archaeological events, considering the story of the Exodus, Joshua and the conquest of the land of Canaan, the Jewish kingdom, and archaeology from the time of Jesus.
Topic Outline/Schedule:
Week 1, October 28: The Exodus
Week 2, November 4: Balaam and Jericho
Week 3, November 18: Arad and Hormah
Week 4, November 25: The Last Dynasty
Week 5, December 2: A Fancy Home
Week 6, December 9: Ancient Towers
Week 1: The Exodus
Week 2: Balaam and Jericho
Week 3: Arad and Hormah
Week 4: The Last Dynasty
Week 5: A Fancy Home
Week 6: Ancient Towers