Syllabus: The Ancient History of Palestine
Mondays, 4pm–5:15pm PST
Meeting Dates: January 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24, March 3
Calabasas Senior Center
Instructor: Jason Hensley, PhD, DMin;
Course Description:
Whose land is it? This is a question that many have tried to understand – and yet, without going back to ancient times and grasping the history of the land itself, one is hard-pressed to develop an informed answer. Thus, this course goes back thousands of years to look at archaeology and history in order to examine the history of the land, the history of its name, and the different people who have lived there over the centuries.
Topic Outline/Schedule:
Week 1, January 27: The Empires that Conquered the Land
Week 2, February 3: When Judea became Palestine
Week 3, February 10: The Origin of the Arabs
Week 4, February 24: Nationalism and the Ottoman Empire
Week 5, March 3: The Origin of the Palestinians
Week 6, March 10: Partition Plans
Week 1: The Empires that Conquered the Land
Week 2: When Judea became Palestine
Week 3: The Origin of the Arabs
Week 4: Nationalism and the Ottoman Empire
Week 5: The Origin of the Palestinians
Week 6: Partition Plans